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Constructed Geographies: Invisible Visible Artist Talk

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Constructed Geographies artists Akila Richards & Maria Amidu will talk through their process of making in relation to the other artistic practices – socially engaged work and writing - and how they have consciously and unconsciously influenced the work for the show. The talk will be held in the gallery on the last day of […]

Martin Shaw: The Night Wages book launch

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

is delighted to announce the launch of Martin Shaw’s long awaited new book The Night Wages. Martin will be reading from the book, telling stories and answering questions. This will be the very first opportunity to buy a signed copy, and hear a little more about the creation of this extraordinary work. To watch the […]

Desire & Resistance: Launch Event

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Join us for the launch of  International Women’s Day exhibition featuring work by Maya Armon & Subira Wahogo. Between 6 & 7pm there will be a live performance by Subira and then both artists will be in conversation with   Gallery Supervisor Susuana – after which will be an opportunity for audience Q&A. Places are limited […]

Wellbeing, Ecology, Gender & Community (WEGO) Presentations

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Using a Pecha Kucha presentation style, this event showcases the projects that make up WEGO to introduce the exciting ways the network is doing activist-inspired research for a more just, balanced, resilient and equal world.  How do we confront climate change? How can we live with increasing environmental degradation? What does social and gender justice look like […]

Mother the Verb: a conversation with Javier Stell-Frésquez

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Following a residency at Brighton's Marlborough Theatre, ONCA is delighted to welcome Javier Stell-Frésquez - one of the artists behind Mother the Verb - to the gallery to share video extracts of the piece and discuss the themes of the work. Mother The Verb is a performance with an air of ritual, fed by dance, […]

O N C A Spring Volunteer Open Evening

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Join us at ONCA gallery to find out about our various and exciting volunteer opportunities. We’re currently looking for volunteers for our gallery and barge – We need people to join our core team as ongoing medium to long-term part-time volunteers. This informal evening will be an opportunity to find out more about  ONCA and talk to […]

A 100 Mile Conversation: Screening & Discussion

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

In spring 2013 Nathan Burr and Louis Buckley walked from Winchester to Beachy Head, the length of the South Downs Way. The 100 mile journey was shared with everyone from farmers to therapists to discuss the connections between landscape, myth, mental health and end of life issues. This film documents the chain of conversations that […]

Movement Makes Marks: Artist Talk & Private View

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

‘Movement Makes Marks’ -  an exhibition of etchings by Elaine Foster-Gandey Accompanied by talks & workshops exploring mark making and connections to drawing, process, materials, performance and print making in relation to health and well-being. Join us in the gallery to listen to the artist Elaine Foster-Gandey (MA Inclusive Arts Practice graduate 2018) discuss her work […]

Herd: Queer Stories

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

LGBTQ+ storytellers, roll up... Brighton's unusual underground storytelling club is back, hosted by Herd's very own queer storyteller Leah. Herd provides a unique opportunity to connect with others through the power of open-mic storytelling. Join us for a night dedicated to first loves and frissons from Brighton's LGBTQ+ community and allies. There will be booze, […]

Solidarity: An evening with Tara Mariwany & Susuana Amoah

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

The Climate crisis is already destroying homes and lives, and BP is fuelling it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJyWQZaL0rU In November 2018, Iraqi activists teamed up with BP or not BP? to protest the opening of the BP-sponsored Ashurbanipal: King of the World, King of Assyria exhibition, by pretending to be Iraqi civilian protestors facing BP representatives. This was in preparation […]

O N C A Kids Collabs network meeting

ONCA Barge at Brighton Marina The Waterfront, Brighton, United Kingdom

At ONCA, we’re developing our partnership programme for arts facilitators who work with children and young people. For the last 3 years, we’ve been running ‘ONCA Kids Art Club’ – holiday art activities for 6-11 year olds. They use a wide range of fun, creative art activities to engage children with issues around local biodiversity and climate change. They […]

Whiteness, Race and the Seaside

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Amid its liberalism, the whiteness of Brighton often goes under scrutinised. The event will explore questions of whiteness and orientalism in Brighton and in other south coast seaside resorts, and it will address how whiteness and Oriental fetish inform these sites of pleasure and leisure. Malcolm James, Amy Zamarripa Solis, Dr. Daniel Burdsey. Sussex Centre for […]

O N C A Summer Volunteer Open Evening

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Join us at ONCA gallery to find out about our various and exciting volunteer opportunities. We’re currently looking for volunteers for our gallery and barge – We need people to join our core team as ongoing medium to long-term part-time volunteers. This informal evening will be an opportunity to find out more about  ONCA and talk to […]

Graduate Monthly: September Meet Up

Lock In Gallery 11 Little Western Street, Hove, United Kingdom

For our September meet up we're taking a field trip to Lock In Gallery in Hove. Founder and curator Beth Troakes will talk about the process of setting up this space and how it runs. Either meet us there at 7pm or at ONCA by 6:30pm to walk/bus there together. The gallery is based in […]

O N C A Autumn Volunteer Open Evening

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Join us at gallery to find out about our various and exciting volunteer opportunities. We’re currently looking for volunteers for the Gallery and Barge – We need people to join our core team as ongoing medium to long-term part-time volunteers. This informal evening will be an opportunity to find out more about and talk to current […]

Atmospheres of Violence panel discussion

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Atmospheres of Violence panel discussion at Gallery. We live in a time when people are transforming the earth’s climate, changing the skin of the planet through deforestation, dredging the seas and delving for metals and fuel. Resistance to this systematic change is powerful and sometimes successful – and is violently repressed. Across the world over […]

Undercliff Path Signage & Sculpture – public event

ONCA Barge at Brighton Marina The Waterfront, Brighton, United Kingdom

Please join us at Barge on November 21st for an exhibition and talk (6pm) about and Schools Without Walls’ proposals for a trail of signage and sculpture along the Undercliff Path. Our artists have worked with children from local schools St John The Baptist, Longhill and St Margaret’s to learn about the Marine Conservation Zone […]

New Threads: Slow Fashion Panel Discussion

ONCA Gallery 14 St George's Place, Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Slow Fashion Panel Discussion with By Rotation and Mayamiko With the growing concerns about how fast fashion is negatively impacting the environment, more and more people are turning to eco and sustainable fashion. But what makes a brand sustainable? What exactly is slow fashion? We’ll be discussing these questions and more at gallery. We will be […]

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Please contact or 01273 607101 if you have specific access needs, please note the gallery is wheelchair accessible but the toilet is up five stairs. We have hearing assistive technology and our staff have Basic BSL & Deaf Awareness training. For more information about access and facilities at ONCA please click here.


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