Press release 3 April 2019: ONCA Declares Emergency
ONCA has joined a coalition of over 180 leading UK arts and culture institutions and individuals who have today declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency.
One of ONCA’s core ongoing questions is about how to foreground and advocate for transformative social, racial and intergenerational justice, at a time of ecological emergency.
Inspired by dozens of UK councils declaring Climate Emergency, the coalition is calling on the arts and culture sector to do its part in telling the truth about the climate and ecological crisis, and to take necessary action.
“In recognition of the science of climate change and of the devastating climate-related impacts of extractive capitalism on human lives, biodiversity and ecosystems around the world, ONCA declares a climate and ecological emergency. We pledge to work with and support our community and local government in tackling this emergency, and we call on others to do the same.”
“This emergency has arisen through inertia, denial and short-termism by governments and corporations. At ONCA we believe that organised citizen action can bring power-holders to account and accelerate action for climate justice. Culture Declares Emergency is a great opportunity for ONCA and other cultural organisations to use their privileges, platforms and resources to amplify the voices of people experiencing climate and environmental injustice and highlight intergenerational harm.”
-Persephone Pearl, Director of ONCA.
The declaration movement started with Climate Mobilization in the US and Australia, and is now promoted by Extinction Rebellion, Sunrise Movement and Youth Strike 4 Climate amongst others.
The number of UK councils – including Brighton & Hove – declaring is increasing all the time. Declaring emergency helps organisations and practitioners to explain how they will contribute resources (e.g. spaces, skills, ideas, programmes etc) to the task in their communities.
Read ONCA’s Declaration of Emergency here.
Press release ends.
For more information on #CultureDeclaresEmergency, please see the Culture Declares Emergency website.
For more information, interviews and images, contact:
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Posted on April 3, 2019
Categories: Climate & Culture, Press Releases
Tags: Climate and Culture Events, Culture Declares Emergency
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