Macmillan Workshops for People Affected by Cancer


For the past two years, with thanks to the generous support of Sussex Cancer Fund, ONCA have been facilitating free creative art workshops for people affected by cancer at the Macmillan Horizon Centre.

“From a facilitator’s point of view the sessions are undoubtedly the highlight of my month! As someone whose family and friends have been affected by cancer and long term illness, I am regularly moved by the kindness, creativity and all round positive energy of the participants. It is a privilege to have regular amazing ONCA volunteers on board I would also like to thank the team at the Horizon Centre for being so supportive and putting their trust in ONCA to deliver fun art sessions with empathy and compassion.” – Ellie Liddell-Crewe (facilitator)

“I loved coming to the art sessions I found them very inspiring, I learned new skills. But most of all my mind was occupied with the creativity and I relaxed and could switch off all the frightening thoughts due to my illness. Ellie was brilliant, friendly and open whilst facilitating the course.” – Nikova (participant)

We are delighted to announce we have just been given more funding to run a further 6 sessions!  The workshops are for all abilities – all you need to do is email the horizon centre to sign up.

Workshops are from Saturdays on the following dates:

  • 13th April 2-4pm – ‘What is Drawing?’ with ONCA’s inclusive artist Ellie Liddell-Crewe
  • 11th May 10:30-12:30pm – ‘Fabricated Felt’  in collaboration with Imagine Make Play
  • 8th June 10:30-12:30pm- ‘Photography without The Camera’  in collaboration with Margot Minnot Thomas
  • Sat 12th Oct 10:30-12:30pm ‘Textiles’ with Imagine Make Play
  • Sat 9th Nov 10:30-12:30pm ‘Cyanotypes’ with Margot Minnot Thomas
  • Sat 14th Dec 10:30-12:30pm ‘Laser Cut Jewellery’ with Rebecca Tucknott

For more information and to sign up for a workshop please contact:

, 01273 468770

To find out more about ONCA’s Art, Health and Wellbeing workshops please email: