ONCA Barge Community Mornings are BACK ON BOARD from May 7! We are excited and delighted to be re-opening the Barge after the long closure due to the pandemic.
Community Mornings are all about… well, whatever you want them to be. Come for a chat, work on some sewing with our Dresscue project, make some crafts, have a cuppa, meet people. Anything is possible. All are welcome. Drop in any time from 10am. We look forward to welcoming you aboard!
The upper deck of the Barge is fully accessible. Click here for directions. If you have any access questions, please email
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Posted on April 21, 2021
Categories: Arts, Health & Wellbeing, O N C A Updates
Tags: 2021, Barge, Community Arts Events, Community Mornings, The DResscue Project, Youth and Family Events
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