Extracting Us is an online exhibition and conversation on the feminist political ecologies of extractivism. It brings together creative work and reflections from thirteen artists-activists-researchers in relation to diverse extractive contexts.
The exhibition offers connections, intersections and ideas to nurture activism, creative engagements and research on the feminist political ecologies of extractivism. Through a unifying curatorial approach, the exhibition and conversation aim to disrupt common spectacular aesthetics and ‘north-south’ narratives on extractivism, enable viewers to see and hear perspectives from those most affected, and develop actions of solidarity and resistance across countries and continents. The exhibition challenges viewers to make (sometimes unexpected) connections between the cases and themes explored, including how extractivism affects both people and the environment, humans and non-humans.
The Extracting Us exhibition and conversation series is co-curated by Siti Maimunah, Elona Hoover, Alice Owen, Dian Ekowati and Becky Elmhirst with critical insight and support from Lydia Heath, Persephone Pearl and Louise Purbrick.
This project is made possible by support from ONCA Gallery, the Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics at the University of Brighton, the Wellbeing, Ecology, Gender and cOmmunity research network funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 764908), and collaboration with the ‘Sustainable’ Development and Atmospheres of Violence: Experiences of Environmental Defenders project funded by The British Academy.
Content Warning: Death, Violence.
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Posted on December 12, 2020
Categories: Environmental Justice & Activism
Tags: Environmental Justice and Activism Events, Extracting Us, University of Brighton, University of Sussex, WEGO