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Graduate Monthly: August Meet Up

29 August 2019
7:00 pm
8:30 pm

For our August meet up we’re offering an open crit session.

If you’ve got something you’re working on, thinking about starting or even if you haven’t made anything in ages and just feel a bit stuck – come along to this informal peer led session and get support and advice from artists in similar situations. If you don’t want to show your work you can still attend and just listen or offer your own insights to others.

If you’d like to present your work please email to discuss your requirements, we have space for four artists to present for up to 20 minutes each.


Graduate Monthly is ONCA’s informal peer led network that offers emerging artists the support and learning opportunities necessary to continue developing their creative practices in Brighton. This can take the form of crits, reading groups, advice sessions, skill sharing and visiting speakers. Alongside the monthly meet-up there is also an online forum for sharing resources and continuing discussions.

Graduate Monthly takes place on the last Thursday of every month and is open to anyone currently based in Brighton and the surrounding areas that graduated from a visual art course in the last 5 years. Artists who haven’t undertaken formal academic training but are looking for support to develop their work and meet other like-minded creatives are also very welcome to attend. See here for what Graduate Monthly events we have coming up.


29 August 2019
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Event Tags:


ONCA Gallery
14 St George's Place
Brighton, East Sussex BN1 4GB United Kingdom


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Please contact or 01273 607101 if you have specific access needs, please note the gallery is wheelchair accessible but the toilet is up five stairs. We have hearing assistive technology and our staff have Basic BSL & Deaf Awareness training. For more information about access and facilities at ONCA please click here.


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