Bee Time Residency

Bee Time Artist Residency – Open Call

Deadline: Passed

Bee Time Artist Residency is a two-week program where participants explore the ecology of the honeybee within a setting of a particular region, and come into contact with local beekeepers.

During this time, the artists spend time observing hives and learning about the bee colony life cycles and it’s intimate interrelationship with the landscape. The artists are invited to co-create together with a shared vision in a non-hierarchical, collaborative and fluid way, inspired by hive consciousness. They then explore the possibility of creatively engaging with the hives within their landscape.

Theme: Systems Thinking
Location: Santa Lucía, Vejer de la Frontera, Spain
Residency Period: October 16th – 29th 2017

**Deadline for applications August 15th 2017**

Bee Time Residency

Systems Thinking looks at networks of relationships and their emergent behaviours. It is about looking at how the parts of the system interact together, creating a whole. There is much we can learn from bees about systems and in this residency we wish to embark on this enquiry. The residency will culminate in a public exhibition of work in progress and a sharing of the learning process.

Artists from all disciplines are invited to participate. As well as researchers with innovative projects of natural, sensitive and sustainable beekeeping, whose work is relevant to the health of the colonies. Researchers and experts in Complexity Science, System Thinking, Sociocracy and new democratic tools, deep or expanded ecology.

Fees and Support: Fees for the residencies are determined according to the funding schemes we receive, so please bear with us till we get notification on our recent applications. Fees can vary between 200€ – 500€ depending on how much financial help we receive. And they will include housing, food, local transport and a shared studio space. Artists are responsible to cover their own travel costs and artistic materials.
We are also happy to provide letters of support to artists who apply for funding in their respective countries.

The copyright of the work belongs to the artist, however, it is expected that all documentation (photos + video) taken during the residence will be made available to Bee Time, free of charge for promotion. In addition, Bee Time also organises exhibitions and public events in various galleries and countries and artists are welcome to donate a piece to our itinerant collection to be shown and/or sold subject to mutual previous agreement.

Resources: Facilities may vary depending on each artistic project needs. Local beekeepers are available as a resource for artists in sharing their practices and knowledge. We have an extensive library of bee related books for artist’s use.

Technical assistance: We can provide technical assistance, printing, and certain materials, subject to prior discussion.

Number of artists resident at one time: Between 5 and 10

Working language: English

How to apply: Please fill out our application form and send it to us at