You don’t get to opt out of politics
When you choose to ignore something
When you just don’t care
That’s political
When you just want to sit back
On your plush cushions of privilege
Comfortable in your bubble
Because “it doesn’t affect me”
That’s political
When you shove stubborn fingers into arrogant ears
And screw mean eyelids shut
That’s political
When you loudly proclaim your neutrality
Bellow about apoliticality
Drowning out protestations with your flood of denial
You know what?
That’s political
It’s not that you occupy some unbiased position
The view from nowhere or everywhere
Stop playing yourself
It’s not that you’re not political
It’s just that your politics, yeah?
Are horseshit.
By Subira
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Posted on June 19, 2017
Categories: Art for Social Change
Tags: Subira Wahogo