“In an art world which is cynical and aloof, ONCA is a breath of fresh air. It is lively and alive. It cares about the world we live in and the way we lead our lives, it connects us to aspects of our lives we haven’t considered. It acts as a hub connecting us to other disciplines and other ways of thinking. Art and Environment are not mutually exclusive because they are both connected to our deepest human emotions. So this small modest gallery is unique and deserving of our support.”
Chris Drury describes himself as an artist who “makes connections between different phenomena in the world, specifically between Nature and Culture, Inner and Outer and Microcosm and Macrocosm. To this end I collaborate with scientists and technicians from a broad spectrum of disciplines and use whatever visual means, technologies and materials best suit the situation. Recent projects include a residency at The Nirox Foundation in The Cradle of Humankind, South Africa, a British Antarctic Survey residency in Antarctica, a work for the Australian National University in Canberra and an exhibition about place, ecology and politics at The Nevada Museum of Art called Mushrooms|Clouds.”